About the Rex Cat Club
The Original Specialist Club for Cornish Rex and Devon Rex cats and now fostering the interests of LaPerm and Selkirk Rex as well.
Affiliated to the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy and the Feline Advisory Bureau - a charitable organization promoting the health and welfare of cats.
The Rex Cat Club was founded in May 1964 by Madge Shrouder-May (Hassan prefix) and Agnes Watts (Du-Bu prefix) specifically to foster the interests and protect the future of all Rex cats. The Rex Cat Club was instrumental in obtaining breed recognition for Cornish Rex and Devon Rex in 1967.
Our newsletter 'Rex-Press' is issued annually, usually in January following our Show. It contains informative articles by experts in their field about matters concerning the health and well being of Rex cats as well as more light hearted contributions from our members at home and abroad. A Breeders' list for all Rex breeds is featured. BAC & GCCF information is included.
We run a Rex rescue/re homing service for all Rex cats. If you would like to offer a rex a home or know of a Rex needing a home please contact our Welfare Officer.
Our kitten register, which is free of charge, assists breeders in selling their kittens and helps prospective purchasers find kittens.
Affiliated to the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy and the Feline Advisory Bureau - a charitable organization promoting the health and welfare of cats.
The Rex Cat Club was founded in May 1964 by Madge Shrouder-May (Hassan prefix) and Agnes Watts (Du-Bu prefix) specifically to foster the interests and protect the future of all Rex cats. The Rex Cat Club was instrumental in obtaining breed recognition for Cornish Rex and Devon Rex in 1967.
Our newsletter 'Rex-Press' is issued annually, usually in January following our Show. It contains informative articles by experts in their field about matters concerning the health and well being of Rex cats as well as more light hearted contributions from our members at home and abroad. A Breeders' list for all Rex breeds is featured. BAC & GCCF information is included.
We run a Rex rescue/re homing service for all Rex cats. If you would like to offer a rex a home or know of a Rex needing a home please contact our Welfare Officer.
Our kitten register, which is free of charge, assists breeders in selling their kittens and helps prospective purchasers find kittens.